Governing Board » Policies


Kingman Academy Of Learning Policies

Our policies play a critical role in helping every student achieve the highest level of academic success and providing a safe, respectful environment for all members of the Kingman Academy Of Learning community.

It’s important for every member of the school community to read and understand current policies.  

Whether it’s ensuring compliance with federal and state attendance laws or keeping our students and staff safe through our visitor and field trip policies, Kingman Academy Of Learning  works hard to keep our learning environment productive and safe.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or comments on school policies.

Title IX Policies

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Title IX regulations prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, including gender-based and sexual harassment discrimination, in the School's educational programs and activities, including employment. The School is committed to maintaining an educational and working environment free from sex discrimination and harassment and encourages any student or employee who believes they have been subjected to discrimination on the basis of sex, whether by students or by School employees, to utilize this procedure. 

Title IX Coordinator. The School's designated and authorized Title IX Coordinator can be reached as follows: 

Jordan Groh
Kingman Academy of Learning 
3410 N. Burbank Street 
Kingman, AZ 86409
(928) 681-2400, [email protected]